Friday, February 15, 2019

JESUS LETTERS Do Not Complain That I Am Not Helping You, Workmen Who Need Not Be Ashamed, Rebelling, The Luxury Of Seeing Heaven, Omniscient Wisdom,

"Heron Sunset" watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe Me.  Trust Me to be Who I have told you through the Bible scriptures that I am.
Do not lean upon your own understandings; but in all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your walks.  Do not worry.  Do not fret.  Do not complain that I am not helping you.  I am helping you to the extent you allow Me to help you.
"Heron Sunset" detail by Greer
If you are not willing to listen to My teachings, then you are not willing to do My will yet.  You are rebelling against what I teach in the Bible, when you do not study the Bible to show yourselves approved, workmen who need not be ashamed.  If you do not believe that it is necessary to renew your minds with My written word, then you are rebelling to My ways that I taught My disciples in the scriptures that they penned for Me for you.  If you do not believe what they wrote to be the truths that I taught them to teach you, then you are rebelling at My wisdom. 

My wisdom is omniscient wisdom.  What is comparable wisdom?  What wisdom do you have after living the short times on Earth where you have not had the luxury of seeing heaven with all of its glory yet?  Think about how silly it is to believe that you are capable of ordering your own steps in this life you are living on the earth without My omniscient wisdom, guiding you on daily and moment by moment bases.  It is enough.



Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
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