"Heart Light" watercolor by Greer |
“Pen write”
please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My
children. Do not worry. Do not fret, it only causes harm.
Believe that
I am in you to help you through your days, weeks and months, but I want to do
it one moment at a time, not at long intervals of silence. You are the ones who determine how often I
speak to your hearts. I stand at the
door of your hearts, knocking, but it is you that must come and open up to
"Say A Prayer" detail |
I am a
Gentleman. I do not barge into your
homes and cause you to get your guns. I
wait to be invited. When you love Me,
you will invite Me, more and more and more.
If you do not invite Me to speak to your hearts, then you are either
ignorant of the Bible scriptures or you do not want Me to tell you anything,
because you think you are just fine thinking your ways through life, on your
skimpy knowledge, and don’t want anyone giving you advice, because of your
pride and rebellious attitudes. Repent,
My children. Repent, if you want to be
blessed by your God.
Be blessed . . . be love,
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