"Follow Me" original watercolor by Greer
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you all, My children. Do no worry or fret about anything.
Take time to
pray and listen to see if I have anything to speak to your hearts. Don’t resist.
It takes practice quieting down your minds and thoughts and getting used
to the silence before I speak to you words that you will recognize are from My
throne of grace, rather than your intellects.
intellects will try to reason away what I speak. Your intellects are worldly. Desires will
come to your minds that sound interesting and exciting, but most of those
desires are from your flesh. Your flesh
is never satisfied, but if you learn to subject yourselves to My truths, written
in the scriptures of the Bible, and listen for the truths and love I speak to your
hearts, you can overcome your fleshly desires and live lives of joy and peace.
My kingdom
is one of love, joy and peace. There is
no turmoil in My kingdom. You need peace, so that you are no longer distracted by your circumstances and the cares of
life. I am the Prince of Peace. You need Me to receive true peace. In My presence is peace and fullness of joy,
no matter what is going on in the world around you.
intently for My still small voice and know that I will never speak anything to
your hearts that contradicts what I said when I walked the Earth in My Own
flesh. I overcame the world and you can
too by believing wholeheartedly in every word that has ever proceeded out of
the mouth of God. It is enough.
Jesus, the
King of kings, Lord of lords and the Teacher Who never lies”
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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