Monday, January 20, 2025

JESUS LETTERS Behave, My People, Lean On Me, Stop Doubting, Do Not Back Up, Do Not Quit, Your Rewards Are Worth The Wait

"Drifting" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My people. 

Behave, My people.  Do not act as if you do not know Who I am.  Do not shove down all that you have learned about Me throughout the years since you were introduced to Me through the scriptures and those that taught you the Bible scriptures.  Lean on Me.  Trust Me to do what I’ve told you from the beginning. 

I am alive.  I did not forsake you and I have never changed My mind about My promises to you.  I am faithful.  You are the ones that change your minds because you hear something or see something happen in the world that you don’t like. 

Behave.  I say it again, ‘Behave like My children.’ Stop rebelling. Stop doubting what you know about Me.  I am the King of kings.  I am Lord, your Lord, if you have invited Me into your hearts because you believed the scriptures. 

Keep going forward with your faith.  Do not back up.  Do not quit.  Your rewards for every act of obedience are worth the wait.  It is enough.




Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Friday, January 17, 2025

JESUS LETTERS Practice Quieting Down Your Minds And Thoughts, Getting Used To The Silence, Live Lives Of Joy And Peace, The Teacher Who Never Lies

"Follow Me" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

 “Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Do no worry or fret about anything.

Take time to pray and listen to see if I have anything to speak to your hearts.  Don’t resist.  It takes practice quieting down your minds and thoughts and getting used to the silence before I speak to you words that you will recognize are from My throne of grace, rather than your intellects. 

Your intellects will try to reason away what I speak.  Your intellects are worldly. Desires will come to your minds that sound interesting and exciting, but most of those desires are from your flesh.  Your flesh is never satisfied, but if you learn to subject yourselves to My truths, written in the scriptures of the Bible, and listen for the truths and love I speak to your hearts, you can overcome your fleshly desires and live lives of joy and peace.

My kingdom is one of love, joy and peace.  There is no turmoil in My kingdom.  You need peace, so that you are no longer distracted by your circumstances and the cares of life.  I am the Prince of Peace.  You need Me to receive true peace.  In My presence is peace and fullness of joy, no matter what is going on in the world around you. 

Listen intently for My still small voice and know that I will never speak anything to your hearts that contradicts what I said when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh.  I overcame the world and you can too by believing wholeheartedly in every word that has ever proceeded out of the mouth of God.  It is enough.


Jesus, the King of kings, Lord of lords and the Teacher Who never lies”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

JESUS LETTERS My Speech, Worn Yourselves Out By Thinking, I Am Neither Dead Nor Mute, Sheep Hear, Go Where I Want To Go, Ambassadors Of Christ

"Clouds Gone Wild" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Hearken diligently to My speech, My children.  Yes, My speech.

I am speaking to all My children, but not all of you have been listening.  You think and think and think, until you have worn yourselves out by thinking.  Thinking is not all there is to life, My children.  I created you to think and to listen to Me also.  If you want My advice, you have to listen inside of you where I dwell since you invited Me into your hearts. 

Doing My will depends on you to realize that I am neither dead nor mute.  I speak to My children.  They hear My voice within them and they follow Me.  Sheep hear their master’s voice and follow him to green pastures.

I want you to know that I love you. You will know, once you start trying to listen for Me to give you information from within you.  A still small voice is what you will hear inside of you.  I will speak love to you and counsel you to go where I want to go and do what I want to do . . . that’s what ambassadors of Christ do.  Do you get it though?  It is enough. 


Jesus, your Master/Lord, if you obey Me”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Saturday, January 11, 2025

JESUS LETTERS Specific Advice, Be Willing To Let Me Do It, Prosper, The Future, I Want To Tip You Off, Impending Dangers, Your Destinies

"Blue Horizon" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Hearken to My still small voice within you.  I want to give you specific advice for your lives. 

I want to lead and guide you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake, but you have to be willing to let Me do it.  Believe that I am capable of speaking to your hearts.  Believe that I want to bless you and cause you to prosper while you are on Earth.  Believe that I can see the future and I want to tip you off to impending dangers that are designed by evil spirits to kill you and steal from you and destroy your abilities to reach your destinies being fulfilled while on Earth.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord/Master”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

JESUS LETTERS Stay Close To Me, Totally Trust Me, You Are Doubting My Words

"Hint Hint Hint" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Do not worry or fret over anything.


I am greater than he who is in the world.  Satan will not interrupt My plans for fulfilling your destinies, if you will stay close to Me and listen always for any advice that I am able and willing to give to those that totally trust Me to do so. 

You say ‘It is impossible for you to listen all the time.’, but I say ‘You are doubting My words written in the scriptures of the Bible and spoken to you from within where I dwell 24/7.’  It is enough.


Jesus, the One Who knows what is written, because I inspired it”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Sunday, January 5, 2025

JESUS LETTERS Your Opportunity To Commune With Me Personally, Be Overjoyed, I Came To Come Inside Of You, Constant Comfort

"Alone With God"
original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Believe that I want to help you by communicating with you from within, where I dwell all the days of your lives on Earth and throughout eternity. 

Do not throw away your opportunity to commune with Me personally.  You will be overjoyed if you hearken to My Bible scriptures and act on the true knowledge in them.  I came to come inside of you, so you would never ever be without Me.  Stop trying to live your lives without constant comfort from My throne of grace.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord/Master, if you understand the Bible”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Saturday, January 4, 2025

JESUS LETTERS Other Things, Speed Your Lives Up, Wasting Time, Dead-ends, Your Schemes, Praying Early, Marching Orders, Prosper

"Day Break" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

 “Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Hearken to My still small voice within you. 

Do not worry that if you spend time praying, you will not have time to accomplish the other things in your lives that need to be attended to.  You will gain time by praying consistently, because it will speed your lives up by giving you wisdom.  You will not be wasting time with things that are of no benefit to you or your loved ones. 

The dead-ends you have gone down by paying attention to your schemes, instead of paying attention to My instructions, have wasted much of your time, My children.  Stop wasting your lives.  Start praying early in the morning and expecting Me to give you your marching orders, so that all you set your hands to will prosper.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord, Protector and Wisdom”


 Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Thursday, January 2, 2025

JESUS LETTERS I Will Protect You From All The Onslaughts, Miracles Will Embolden You, You Won't Win Every Battle

"Thank You Jesus" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Do not worry or fret it only causes harm. 

Believe Me.  Trust Me wholeheartedly to be your Savior.  I will protect you from all the onslaughts of the evil ones.  Pray and seek My face.  The more you pray, the more miracles you will see.  The miracles will embolden you to keep fighting the fight of faith.  It is a fight.  

You have many spiritual enemies.  You won’t win every battle, but you are more than conquerors in Me.  It is enough. 


Jesus, your Lord and Protector”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2025   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Saturday, December 28, 2024

JESUS LETTERS I Am Greater Than All Your Enemies

"Crow Chaser" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Do not worry or fret over the things that aren’t going the way you want them to go in your lives.  Be brave and courageous to keep believing that I am greater than all your enemies and you are more than conquerors through your faith in Me.  It is enough.


Jesus, the One Who knows all about your cares”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2024   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Thursday, December 26, 2024

JESUS LETTERS Take The Time, Only Relying On The Scriptures, I Have Not Gone Mute, Dark Evil Planet, You Need My Help

"Winters Love" original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you all, My children.  Hearken to My still small voice within you, where I dwell, if you have invited Me into your hearts.

Believe that it is possible to hear Me speaking to you at any time you are willing to take the time to listen.  I want to speak, so that I can comfort you personally, rather than you only relying on the scriptures in the Bible to comfort you and instruct you in righteousness. 

Believe that I spoke to the men and women written about in the scriptures and believe that I have not gone mute.  Why would I stop talking to My children after dying for them a terrible death?  I live inside each and every one of you, My children.  Why would I come inside you, if not to help you during and throughout your lives on this dark evil planet? 

You have many enemies, My children.  You need My help.  The Holy Spirit and I are your Helpers, but you must believe it to receive Our help.  It is enough.


Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2024   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at


Thursday, December 19, 2024

JESUS LETTERS The Grace I Want To Bestow, Receive Instructions From Me, Your God, If You Are Born-Again, Faith Has Action, Miracles, Greater Works, Coming Sooner

                                                        "There He Goes!" Original watercolor by Greer

“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Do not worry or fret.  It only causes harm. 

Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  I promised that I would never leave nor forsake you.  Believe it and receive the grace I want to bestow on you. 

I want to fill you with My Spirit, the Spirit of Love and Truth.  I want to show each and every one of you what I created you to do in the Earth, during your short lives on this dark planet.  You will receive instructions from Me, your God.  You do not have to figure things out using your own brainwaves. 

I gave you brains to do My will on the Earth, but that is not the way you will accomplish My will.  Your brains will give you the ability to act on the words I speak to your Spirit-men.  You have the same exact Spirit that I walked the Earth with in My Own flesh, if you are born-again.  You invited Me to come into your hearts and I did, just as I promised I would. 

Believe only and you will see the glory of God manifested all around you.  I will display My love, My will and My power through anyone who believes Me wholeheartedly.  Stop expecting to see miracles based on your intellectual knowledge of the scriptures, My children.  I am Spirit and My Spirit works through all that know what the Bible teaches and act on the Bible teachings. 

Hearing the word and memorizing the word is not the same as believing My words, written in the Bible.  Faith has action.  Faith follows through with what has been learned.  Stop doubting My words BY ACTING ON MY WORDS, and the miracles will take place in front of your eyes, and they will promote your faith to do greater works than I did when I walked the Earth.


Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords.  I am coming sooner than you think.”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2024   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

JESUS LETTERS I Love You, You Are Not Omniscient, But I Am, Repent Of Your Childish Ideas, Money, Jesus, The One Who Corrects His Children


 "Water Talks" original watercolor by Greer


“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.

Do not worry.  Do not fret.  It only causes harm.  Believe Me.  Trust Me to be inside of you, every second of the day.  Do not try to figure life out on your own intellectual abilities. 

I am wise, alone.  You are not omniscient, but I am.  Believe that I want to direct your steps down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake. 

I will direct your steps as long as you want to do My will, but if you think that I am your puppet, made to take requests and orders from you, as if you are God and I am supposed to agree with everything and idea that you can come up with with your limited knowledge of what goes on in the world, out in the open and behind the scenes in the spirit realms, then I will wait for you to repent of your childish ideas and you will not progress into My perfect wills for your individual lives.  You will stagnate.  And the money you earn by the sweat of your brows will evaporate into thin air.  It is enough.


Jesus, the One Who corrects His children, hoping they will recognize that they have righteously been chastised.”


Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2024   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

JESUS LETTERS Long Intervals Of Silence, You Determine How Often I Speak, I Stand Knocking, Open To Me, Skimpy Knowledge, Repent

"Heart Light" watercolor by Greer


“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Do not worry.  Do not fret, it only causes harm. 

Believe that I am in you to help you through your days, weeks and months, but I want to do it one moment at a time, not at long intervals of silence.  You are the ones who determine how often I speak to your hearts.  I stand at the door of your hearts, knocking, but it is you that must come and open up to Me. 

"Say A Prayer" detail
I am a Gentleman.  I do not barge into your homes and cause you to get your guns.  I wait to be invited.  When you love Me, you will invite Me, more and more and more.  If you do not invite Me to speak to your hearts, then you are either ignorant of the Bible scriptures or you do not want Me to tell you anything, because you think you are just fine thinking your ways through life, on your skimpy knowledge, and don’t want anyone giving you advice, because of your pride and rebellious attitudes.  Repent, My children.  Repent, if you want to be blessed by your God.




 Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2021   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at

Sunday, October 24, 2021

JESUS LETTERS I Am Your God, Omniscient, Omnipotent, I Will Heal, Deliver, Save, Show You, Abundant Life

"Crow Chaser" watercolor by Greer


“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children. 

Believe Me.  Trust Me to be all that the Bible scriptures say that I am.  I am your God.  I am omniscient.  I am omnipotent.  I will heal you.  I will deliver you.  I will save you from destruction.  I will show you the great and mighty things that you do not know. 

"Crow Chaser" detail
Hold on to the knowledge you have of Me.  Do not slough off what you have learned in the scriptures, down through the years.  My words are equivalent to abundant life, if you act on them.  Do not doubt anything that is written in the Bible.  It is all true, whether you understand it or not.  You gradually will understand all of it, if you put in the time it takes to study it, line upon line and precept upon precept. 

Haphazardly studying the Bible will not lead to abundant life, My children.  Do not expect to do miracles greater than what I did, when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh, if you do not study the Bible, over and over again.


Jesus, your Lord, your Teacher and the Author and Finisher of your faith”


 Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2021   ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

You can find me at