"Bury Me Here" by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you, My children. Hearken to My still
small voice.
"Foot Of The Cross" rendition |
Believe that I will show you what to do momentarily, instead of
just once in a while. Believe that I am in you and I am not dead. Yes, I died
on the cross for your sins, but I did not remain dead. My Father resurrected Me
to be Lord of all, especially those that receive Me as the Son of God.
Am I in you, My children? If I am in you, then why am I in
you? Ask yourselves, right now, this question: Why did I come in you? . .
. Why did I come in you, unless it was to give you all that I am and all that I
was when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh?
"Bury Me Here" detail |
If I am in you but you are not asking Me for advice, then of
what benefit on this Earth am I to you? I know that you receive peace when you
think about living forever with Me in heaven, but what good does that do you
here on Earth? I am available 24 hours per day, seven days a week, every year,
My children. Why do you not take advantage of these facts?
Why do you forget so easily that I came inside you the moment
you invited Me into your hearts and asked Me to forgive you of all your sins?
If you will study the scriptures of the Bible, you will see that what I am
reminding you about in these letters is exactly what the Bible teaches that I
was coming to do. I never wanted to be without you My children. I want to
fellowship with you every day and every moment of the day. I never leave you
nor forsake you. I am with you always even to the end of the age.
"Get The Picture" doodle by Greer |
Is it not enough that I died for your sins, My children? Is
there something else that I need to do to prove to you that I am Who I’ve said I
am? Is it not enough that I defeated all your enemies and made a public
spectacle of them when I preached and taught and displayed God’s power flowing
through Me so that you could get the picture of what I want to do through you in
the Earth if you will only believe Me, instead of all the other stuff you have
been spending your lives studying?
Why do you wait, My children? Why do you hesitate coming to Me
for My advice? Why do you think it preposterous to think that I want to speak
to you at all times? Why do you cower, not coming to Me because of some sin in
your lives that causes you to think that I will not give you what I have given
"Jesus Praying" by Greer |
There is no one walking this Earth today that has not sinned, My
children. I am the only sinless One and I am pleading with you to come to Me in
prayer and regard Me more than you regard the knowledge of any other being or
thing. I’m talking about the TV set, right now. How can you spend half your
lives watching worthless TV programs that make you laugh but steal your lives
away from you, and cause you to waste the time you could have been studying My
word so that you would be prepared and equipped and willing and empowered to do
the Kingdom business that I designed you for? It is enough.
Jesus, Lord of all”
Be blessed . . . be love,
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