Thursday, June 16, 2016

JESUS LETTERS: I Never Leave Nor Forsake You, Even When You Are Sinning, I Will Not Break My Covenant With You, I Am Always Faithful, Wickedness, Darkness, You Have A Part To Play In Being Thoroughly Cleansed, My Holy Undefiled Spirit, Become Committed To Doing The Father's Will, Lies Fed By Evil Spirits, Focus All Your Efforts On Loving People

"Faith Hope Love" by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  I never leave nor forsake you.  Even when you are sinning, I am inside you, because I will not break My covenant with you.
I came inside you the moment you invited Me into your hearts, My children.  I am always faithful to do what I have said I will do.  I came to save you from your wickedness, My children.  I came to pull you out of the darkness that surrounded you before you believed in Me; but you have a part to play in being thoroughly cleansed, spirit, soul and body. 

Exalt the name of JESUS with me
When you accepted Me as your Lord and Savior, I cleansed your spirit, My children, by giving you My holy, undefiled Spirit, the same Spirit I had when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh.  If you want to act the way I acted when I walked the Earth, you can, but it is necessary for you to become committed to doing the Father’s will, even as I was committed to doing His will.  Learn what His will is by studying the scriptures, line upon line and precept upon precept, My children.  Renew your minds, your intellects, with My words spoken to you and written down for your cleansing, thousands of years ago, My children. 

My words are good throughout all time.  They do not become obsolete.  They have one purpose and that is to give you understanding so that you are no longer acting on lies that have been fed to you by the evil spirits that have coerced you to do evil instead of living lives of love that I created you to live. 

"Faith Hope Love" signature
There is no higher purpose in your lives, My children, that surpasses your loving everyone that I bring across your paths throughout all eternity.  If you will focus all your efforts on loving people, then you will be doing the Father’s will, but if you take the words of truth and love in the Bible to beat people up with, then you have forsaken My will and have turned away to do what I never intended you to even entertain the idea of doing, let alone actually acting on it.  It is enough.

Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

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