"Clouds Be Gone" by Greer |
“Pen write”
please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice, My
Do not
wonder about life. Enjoy life by obtaining
My words as you are living on this Earth.
Obtain My words through the Bible scriptures and sermons and books that
exalt My name. Obtain My words through
praying in the Spirit and receiving information from Me from within you where I
dwell since you have invited Me to be your Lord and Savior, having believed
that I died on the cross to pay for your errors.
"Clouds Be Gone" detail by Greer |
Sins are
errors, My children. Sins are
mistakes. To sin is to do anything that
is not My will. My will is good, all the
time, because I am good and I am One with My words, and will teach you My will,
so that you can be one with Me. If you
do not want to be one with Me, that’s your choice, but you are sinning when you
make that choice. You are making a great
mistake when you choose not to be one with My words.
My words are
abundant life for you--not only when you get to heaven, but also here on
Earth. What kind of life is it, to walk
this earth, worrying and fretting all the time about your circumstances or
future circumstances, My children? Do
you call worrying and fretting your way ‘abundant life’?--it is not abundant
Life begins
with Me and it ends with Me. I am truly
the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and yet I am an Eternal Being
and I created human beings to be like Me . . . eternal! But, if a human being decides not to want to
do My will, then death, the end of abundant life, will come to that person,
because heaven was created for holy individuals that don’t like to make
mistakes but enjoy pleasing their Maker.
I am your
Creator, My children. I made you in My
image. Now, what is your excuse for not
wanting to read and study the scriptures of the Bible to learn how much your
Maker loves you and wants to help you to stop making mistakes? It is enough.
Jesus, your
ever present Helper in time of need, and there is no time that you do not need
Be blessed . . . be love,
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