"Follow Me" by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice.
Believe Me. Believe that I will show you what I want you to do, if you will
heed My advice and not slough it off, as if I were trying to give you an option,
but it was not necessary for you to take that option.
"Follow Me" detail by Greer |
Believe Me, My children. I know what you need, and I am not
exaggerating when I give you My counsel. My counsel will lead you into the
calls on your lives. If you want to see the ministries that I have ordained you
to fulfill come to fruition in your lifetimes on Earth, then you will need to
get serious about every word that proceeds out of My mouth, instead of only
getting excited about the words that I’ve written in the Bible through My
obedient to write servants/disciples that tickled your ears because they
promised blessings for you and you could see yourselves walking in those
abundant blessings.
There is much work to do, My children. You know what work is, I
assume? You know that quite often when you are working for someone, that he or
she will ask you to do something that is not in the least bit fun—right? Well,
why do you expect everything that I ask you to do, with Me, will be fun and
Glorify the name of JESUS with me
Let us together extol His Name |
It will not help you to do only what seems fun and exciting, My
children. Sacrifices are necessary, so that My people that do not know Me, as
well as you know Me, will be able to see that I love them through your actions
of love, and commitment to helping them. Ministry is exciting, but ministry is
work. Ministry is helping others see that I love them and spent My life on
Earth serving mankind.
Until you have My love stored up in you to the extent that you
are willing to serve others outside of your immediate family and loved ones,
then you are not in the ministry, because you are still into yourselves. I have
warned you that you cannot love the world and be My followers, My disciples.
You will have to die to the world’s enticements and follow Me
wholeheartedly, instead of halfheartedly, in order for Me to release My power
and favor and blessing upon you and around you. You must
die to yourselves and take up your crosses and follow after Me by following the
specific advice I give you while you are communing with Me in prayer. Getting
quiet and listening for My still small voice speaking within you is the first
step in receiving a lifelong partnership with Me.
The Name JESUS is in the wave
The cross points to His Name |
I know that many of you go about bragging about your personal
relationship with Me because you personally invited Me into your hearts and you
know that I am faithful and all My promises are yes and amen, so you know that I
came into your hearts and gave you My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, the hope of
glory. But I did not just come into you to save you and keep you from going to
hell. I came into you so that you would never be alone in this dark world
again, and so that you will never be alone throughout all eternity. I am in you
so that our fellowship, our communion, our love for one another can be
If you want non-stop communication with your Creator, you can
have it, now that you are born-again—that’s the point of all these letters I
have written and am writing through Gary, My servant. The choice is yours, My
sweet babies—do you want to communicate with Me throughout your days, or just
once in a while, when you feel good or when you feel bad? I am in you and ready
to speak with you regardless of how you feel at the time, My children.
"The Foot Of The Cross" by Greer |
Have you considered praying to Me and asking Me to give you ears
to hear and eyes to see into the Spiritual realm, My children? Have you asked
Me to give you wisdom from on High, so that you could know what My purposes for
creating you for are, individually? If you have not asked Me before, My
children, then it is time to start asking Me, so that I can prove to you that I
am willing to inspire you to go forward into the ministries of reconciliation
that you are all called to. It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord, your Teacher, your Counselor”
Be blessed . . . be love,
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