Friday, June 29, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Get Quiet, Calm Down, Spirit Of Christ, Glory, Rewards, Mouthed Some Prayer, People That Mock, Lord, Master, Bond Servant, Serving, Questions, My Presence

"Clouds Gone Wild" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I will show you what I want you to do for My name's sake. 

"Clouds Gone Wild" detail by Greer
I will speak to your hearts when you get quiet, calm down your thoughts and hearken diligently to My voice within you.   I speak to you by way of the Spirit of Christ in you.  If you do not have the Spirit of Christ, then you have never invited Me to come into your hearts; but if you invited Me to come in, then I did, because I am faithful, and I always tell the truth. 

I am not against you, My children.  I am for you.  I will for you to become one with Me, the Lord, your God, so that we can work together in the earth, accomplishing eternal things for My glory.  The glory that you bring to My name lasts forever in heaven.

Jesus, the name above all names
You will receive rewards for everything that you do on earth in obedience to what I ask you to do for Me.  If you do nothing for Me, then you need to ask yourself whether you really believe that I am Who I say I am or if maybe you just mouthed some prayer, inviting Me into your hearts because you were pressured to do so by someone in your life that you wanted to get off your back or out of your hair. 

I do not come into people that mock Me, My children.  I know if you honestly believe that I died on the cross for your sins or not.  If you want to know for sure that you actually believe that I am Lord, then make Me Lord today by doing whatever I ask you to do now, inside you.  Lord means master.  Masters give their servants work and their servants do the work.  There is a big difference between a forced slave and a bondservant.  A bond servant serves the master out of love for the master, not because he or she is forced to serve out of fear or necessity. 

"Clouds Gone Wild" detail by Greer
If you love Me, then you will serve Me; there are no exceptions.  If you are not already serving Me, then you are serving yourselves, My children.  Learn how to serve Me by reading the scriptures in the Bible and you will see that everyone that believed in Me followed Me.  They followed Me to learn what it was that I wanted them to do, and then they did it, no matter what I asked of them.  Yes, they had questions about what I asked of them at times, but I answered their questions so that they would be confident that it was really I speaking to them. But believe Me, My children, you are not going to enter into My perfect will for your lives without coming to Me and finding out what I created you to do for My glory; so stop making excuses and devote some time to getting quiet so that you are not so distracted with every thought that races through your minds.  Sit patiently, waiting for My presence to envelop you, and you will see that I truly long to communicate with you, on a One on one basis.  It is enough.
Photo of Original Letter

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 22, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Take The Gospel To The Nations, Savior, Friend, Reconcile, Prospering, Fresh Provision, Religiosity, Share The Words, Friends Indeed, Reason Away, Delegate, Fruit For Your Labors, Reap

"Bent Tree" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I will show you, My ways and My will for your individual lives.  I will give you the wisdom that you need to do the things I want you to do for My name's sake. 

Photo of Original Letter
I want to take the gospel to the nations, My children.  I want everyone to hear the same words that you heard that changed your hearts and caused you to take hold of Me, your Savior and your Friend.  Do not cower away from the fact that I have reconciled you to God, your Father, so that you too can reconcile others back to Him.  If you will take up My message and lay down your desires to prosper for the sake of prospering, then I will prosper you, so that you always have more than enough to get to the places that I send you; and when it is time to go somewhere else, then you will be supplied with fresh provision for your new assignments. 

"Bent Tree" detail by Greer
Listen carefully, My children.  I am not saying these things to you to create an attitude of religiosity in you.  I am not saying these things to you so that you will become determined to give more in your churches to send others on missions for My name's sake.  I am speaking to you directly that I want you to go wherever I ask you to go in the world and share the words that I have buried in your hearts with those I put before you.  You are My friends, indeed, if you follow through with the instructions I give you to obey My commandments, but if you reason away the things that I ask you to do, or try to delegate the things that I ask you to do, then you are not going to see fruit for your labors, but others will harvest the crops that I intended you to reap from.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Know That I Dwell Inside You, The Suffering You Endure, Never Fear Death, I Have Abolished It, Eternal Spiritual Life, Free From The Flesh, Questions

"Mend Me" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I want to speak to your hearts so that you will know that I dwell inside you, where you can communicate with Me at all times of the day, no matter what is going on in your lives. 

Believe that I will lead you into My perfect will for your lives, as you diligently listen for My instructions and obey whatever I ask you to do.  There is nothing that I ask you to do for My sake that will not eternally bless you, My children.  I will more than make up for the suffering that you endure in this life that you have on Earth.

"Mend Me" detail by Greer
Never fear death; I have abolished it for your sake, because I love you.  You are not subject to it as unbelievers are.  There is no need for you to worry about it.  You will pass from this life on Earth into My presence in the blink of an eye.  You will begin your eternal Spiritual life free from the flesh that now holds you down here on Earth.  You will never regret having invited Me into your hearts, so stop worrying about all the things that you do not understand.  I understand everything and I am going to answer all of your questions throughout all time.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

JESUS LETTERS My Plans For Your Individual Lives, During Your Brief Stays Here, Spirit Man's Voice, Formulas, Secular Teachings, Heroes

"Jesus Helps" doodle by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I want to show you my plans for your individual lives.  Believe that I will give you all the things that are necessary for you to accomplish what I want to do through you in the earth, during your brief stays here. 

Listen intently to your spirit man's voice, speaking within you.  Do not rely on your own understanding.  Do not rely on formulas and secular teachings that proclaim to know what you need to do to be successful in things.  Rely on Me, the Lord, your God, to help you . . . to give you supernatural information so that you can live a Spirit led life, the way the heroes in the Bible lived by following Me and doing what I asked them to do.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Do Not Be Afraid, Do Not Worry or Fret, Carrying Our Words, Christ, Father, Holy Spirit, Embolden Yourselves By Studying The Written Word Of God

"Beyond The Sea" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Do not be afraid.  Do not worry or fret; it only causes harm. 

Allow Me to speak to your hearts and comfort you, My children.  Spend time in My presence so that I can change you into the persons I created you to be.  I have placed My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, in you, so that you and I can be one; one with each other and one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

Add caption
Believe the scriptures of the Bible, My children.  Believe that We are in you for the purpose of carrying Our words, which are Our will, to the farthest borders of the earth.  We will do what we have said We will do through you, if you do not relent.  You said that you would follow Us with all of your hearts, souls, minds and strengths.  Do not change your minds.  Do not ignore your promises.  We will strengthen whoever is committed to doing what We ask them to do. 

Be brave and courageous.  Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.  Embolden yourselves by studying the written word of God, reminding yourselves of what We did through those that walked by faith and not by sight.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 15, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Allow Me The Time, My Commands Are Not Burdensome, Abundant Life Forever, I Have Patience, Spirit Of Christ, Permanently, Purposes, Evil You Rub Up Against, Cleansed, Superfluity Of Naughtiness, Circle Of Recurring Problems, Wisdom, Messes, Troubles, Demons, Exposed, Cast Out Demons, Rebuke, Spiritual Warfare, Unseen World, Angels, Modern Times, Power, Authority

"Lost Pup" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I want to speak to your hearts and show you the reasons I created you. 

I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name's sake, if you will allow Me the time it takes to train you to obey My commands.  My commands are not burdensome, My children.  My commands lead to eternal life, abundant life forever, not just in your lives on earth. 

"Lost Pup" detail by Greer
Do not lose sight of the fact that I saved you to teach you and everyone that comes across your paths that I love you and that I am going to continue loving you throughout all time.  I have patience with you, My children, but the quicker you learn the things that I have written throughout the Bible, the quicker you will begin walking in obedience to what I am asking you to do, by way of My Spirit speaking to the Spirit of Christ that is now in you permanently because you believed that I am Lord and invited Me into your hearts to change you into the people that I created you to be.  You cannot enter into My purposes for creating you if you do not seek Me on a daily basis and spend time in My presence so that I can cleanse you from all the evil you rub up against in the world. 

"Lost Pup" shimmering cross
You will be cleansed from all superfluity of naughtiness as you come to Me and worship Me in Spirit and in truth.  If you are not willing to come to Me through prayer, then you are still attracted to the things of the world so much that it will be very difficult for you to learn what you need to know in order to obtain the supernatural information that I long to give you so that you are not continuing in the same circle of recurring problems that you have found no way of escaping because you have not relied on My Spirit within you for wisdom, true wisdom, but you have continued to think that you are smart enough to get yourselves out of the messes that you have gotten yourselves into, not knowing that demons have led you into your troubles. 

Demons exist, My children.  I exposed them when I walked the earth in My own flesh.  Why do you presume that they do not exist around you?  Why do you think I said that those who believe in Me would cast out demons in My name?  Why would I give you authority to cast out demons if there were no demons to rebuke? 

Think, My children.  Think of all the scriptures that talk about the spiritual warfare that goes on in the heavenlies.  Think of all the scriptures in the Bible that clearly shine light on the reality of the unseen world where angels and demons exist and war against themselves.  Hearken to all of the scriptures of the Bible and do not allow Satan to confuse you and tell you that some of the scriptures no longer pertain to modern times. 

Photo of Original Letter
Believe Me, My children.  Do not believe your current teachers if they are discounting the scriptures that pertain to the power and the authority that I bestowed on all believers to do the same work that I did when I walked the earth.  I am still walking the earth, but I do it through those that didn't just invite Me into their hearts, but that allow Me to direct their steps and use their entire beings to speak the same words that I spoke and to act out the same actions that I took throughout My time of ministry.  It is enough.

Jesus your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Great And Mighty Things, Kingdom Work, Tools, Equip, Ministries, Ordained, To Carry Out, Bind My Will To Your Hearts, One Messenger, Glory, Persist, Things Taking Longer Than You Wanted, Fruit, Patient, Farmer, Crops, Protect Them, Stature, Heart of Hearts

"Old Trees Young Dog" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears, My children.  Believe that I will show you the great and mighty things that you do not know if you diligently seek My will to be done in earth as it is in heaven.  Believe that I will empower you to do the kingdom work that I have called you to do. 

Jesus, name above all names
I will give you the tools to do what I want you to do.  I will equip you for the ministries that I have ordained you to carry out.  I will bind My will to your hearts.  We will become one messenger for My glory, the glory of God, your heavenly Father, if you persist and do not allow yourselves to become discouraged because things are taking longer than you wanted them to take. 

If you want to see fruit in your lives, My children, then you must be patient . . . as patient as a farmer is.  My crops do not spring up overnight.  You have to wait and protect them from everything that comes along to choke them off and prevent them from growing into the stature that they were designed to become, when I created them in My heart of hearts.  It is enough.

"Old Trees Young Dog" detail
Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 11, 2012

JESUS LETTERS I Never Leave, Negative Circumstances, Set Your Minds At Ease, Near Future, Distant Future, Care Free, Thinking About Me, Rise Early, Desire To Know, Oneness, Contentment, Obeying, Adam, Eve, Warned, Warning, Strange Flesh, Entangled, Affairs Of This Life, Grow In Stature, Built Up, Fullness Of Who You Are, Realms Of Glory, More To Life, Miracles, Good God

"Let's Stay" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  I never leave nor forsake you.  I am with you always, even to the end of the world. 

Photo of Original Letter
Do not worry; do not fret; it only causes harm.  I will bring you out of the negative circumstances that have enveloped you.  Will you come to Me though, so that I can set your minds at ease?  Will you come to My throne of grace and receive the comfort and edification and exhortation that I have already written throughout the scriptures of the Bible so that you can hear, first hand from Me personally, that I love you and that I care about everything that goes on in your lives? 

I do not want you to be confused.  I do not want you to be upset.  I do not want you to be afraid of the near future or the distant future.  I want you to be care free; but you cannot be carefree without realizing that I am in you and that I am not going to abandon you and leave you to fend for yourselves. 

"Let's Stay" detail by Greer
I love you.  You cannot understand how much I love you unless you spend lots of time in My presence, My children.  Thinking about Me is not the same thing as being one with Me.  I am in you so that you can be one with Me.  Do not just think about Me.  Use your faith and acknowledge what you have learned by reading the scriptures and doing what they have instructed you to do.  I am alive and I am in each and every Christian.  Now, believe it, and rise early in the morning and seek My counsel, My advice. 

I will never force you to come to Me.  You have to desire to know your God and to put Me first place in your lives above all other things if you truly want to be one with Me.  If you want oneness, then how do you think that you will ever enter into it by avoiding spending time with the source of all knowledge and understanding and wisdom? 

"Let's Stay" detail 2 by Greer
The wisdom of the world is not going to bring you the satisfaction and contentment that you someday hope to find.  I created you to be content when you are obeying My instructions.  Adam and Eve lost their peace when they rebelled against My instructions.  Satan tricked them out of the perfect peace that they had enjoyed until they were influenced by the things in the world that I warned them not to touch. 

I am warning you all again through this letter, My children.  Do not touch the things that I have excluded from the list of things that are good and beneficial to your well beings.  Do not go after strange flesh.  Do not be entangled with the affairs of this life on earth.  Think thoughts that are true and just and noble and lovely; things by which you will grow in stature; things by which you will be edified, built up into the fullness of who you are in Me, the Lord, your God. 

I will take you to realms of glory that you have not even imagined.  The scriptures do not reveal all the places that I am talking about, but they are available to those that walk by faith and not by sight.  They are revealed to those that understand that there is more to life than what you feel, touch, taste, smell, and see and hear with your natural eyes and ears. 

"Let's Stay" signaure
Come to Me, My children.  Stop wasting time trying to imagine where I want to take you.  Spend time in My presence seeking to know the alive God.  I am in you and I will perform miracles for you and through you, so that you and all that surround you will see that I am a good God and My eyes truly roam the earth, searching for those that love Me with all of their hearts, souls, minds and strengths.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

JESUS LETTERS I Will Not Leave You Alone To Fend For Yourselves, My Counsel, Omniscient, Short Time, On Earth, You Do Not Have To Rely On Limited Wisdom

"Foot of the Cross" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am leading you down paths of righteousness for My name's sake.  Believe that I will show you what to do and when to do it. 

I will not leave you alone to fend for yourselves; but you must learn to come to Me and get My counsel.  My counsel is wise counsel because I am omniscient; I know all things. 

Your own intellectual capacities are not omniscient.  You only know what you have learned in the short time you have been on earth.  Do not rely upon your own understanding, My children.  Come to Me on a regular basis and you will learn how to access My throne of grace and receive supernatural wisdom so that you do not have to rely on limited wisdom.  It is enough. 

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

JESUS LETTERS My Advice, A Life Full Of Surprises And Marvelous Things, I Haven't Died, I Haven't Become Mute, Honestly Listening, Believing, Church, Playing The Game, Risen Savior, I Am Alive, Ordained You, Giftings, Mothers' Wombs, Anoint, Confidence, Deliver The Messages, Let Your Spirit Rule, Fulfilling Your Destinies, Well Done

"Oh My God" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name's sake if you will follow Me and not resist My advice.  My advice is for your benefits, My children. 

Photo of Original Letter
I want to lead you into a life full of surprises and marvelous things taking place all around you through your obedience to walk by faith and not by your feelings and emotions and reasonings and imaginations.  Hearken diligently to every word that has proceeded out of My mouth in the past, present and in the future, My children.  I am still speaking to you.  I haven't died.  I haven't become mute. 

Are you honestly listening for My still small voice to comfort you and exhort you to do what I want you to do though?  Are you honestly believing that I came inside you, when you invited Me into your hearts, or are you pretending that you believe?  Are you going to church and playing the game of being a Christian or are you actually following Me, your risen Savior?  I am alive, My children.  I am alive and I live in you and through you when you are willing to do the things that I ask you to do. 

"Oh My God" detail by Greer
You cannot do much for Me if you are not willing to listen for My direction.  If you make up your own ways of following Me by looking at what others are doing in the body of Christ, then you will most likely step out in a direction that I have not asked you to go; and since I have not asked you to go that way, then I have not equipped you for the tasks that you have chosen for yourselves.  Believe Me, My children; I know what I have ordained you to fulfill in the earth with the giftings that I gave you, when I created you in your mothers' wombs. 

If you will seek Me in prayer, then you will gain the confidence that you need to go to the places that I ask you to go and to speak to the people that I ask you to speak to.  I will fill your mouths with the words that I have buried in your hearts.  You do not have to know what you will say.  I will anoint you in that hour with the confidence and the strength to deliver the messages that I want to speak to My people. 

"Oh My God" detail by Greer
Listen and learn that you are in Me and I am in you.  You are one with Me in Spirit, but you must let your Spirit rule over your thought lives.  You must be willing to agree with what your Spirit man is communicating to you to do for My glory.  It is all about fulfilling your destinies, My children.  I am in you to see to it that your destinies are fulfilled in this earth so that your rewards will be complete in heaven when you arrive and hear Me say, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.'  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Things That Will Do You Harm, Harmful Things, That Will Lead You Astray From My Paths, Seek My Face, My Will, Not Your Own Ideas, Eternal Purposes, Wasting, Time, Harvest, Seeds, Sow, Crops, Feritle Ground, Cultivated People, Plants, Rewards, Labors Of Love, Fulfilled, Joy

"Never Quit" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Believe that I am showing you what I want to do in the earth through your obedience to My instructions that I speak to your hearts while you are praying and seeking My face and not just praying to receive a blessing from Me, whether it is My will for you to be blessed in that fashion or not. 

Jesus, name above all names
Many of you are asking for things that will only do you harm.  Harmful things are whatever things that will lead you astray from My paths for your lives, My children.  If you want to be blessed, then seek My face, My will, not your own ideas to come to pass.  Your own ideas of how you want to work in the earth have nothing to do with My eternal purposes for creating you.  I have designed you to do certain things in the earth, but if you do not seek My will, then you are going to continue wasting your time in the earth and you will not see a harvest when you get to heaven because you did not sow where I wanted you to sow when you were on earth. 

My words are seeds that you sow, My children.  My seeds produce crops when planted in fertile ground.  I know where the fertile ground is, My children.  Come to Me and I will direct your feet to go where the fertile ground is. 

People that are ready to receive My seeds are fertile ground.  I have cultivated ground around the earth and if someone will go to those cultivated people, then a rich harvest will be reaped and both the one who sows the seed and the one who cultivates around the plants and waters them will receive rewards for their labors of love in heaven; and I will continue taking you to one place after another to sow more seeds until you are satisfied that I am a good God and that I am faithful to use you for My glory so that you will be fulfilled in Me and your joy will have no limits.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 4, 2012

JESUS LETTERS I Am Inside You So That I Can Love And Protect You At All Times, Trust Me Wholeheartedly, Thoughts That Have No Power To Produce Results, I Produce Power By My Spirit To Help You, Glorifying My Name, Continual Flow Of Good Things, Obedience Brings Blessings

"Heart Light" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am the Lord, your God, and that I am inside you so that I can love and protect you at all times. 

"Heart Light" signature
I will give you information so that you do not have to rely on your own reasoning abilities like those that do not believe Me have to do.  If you will trust Me wholeheartedly and not waiver back and forth with your thoughts that contradict what I have told you in the scriptures of the Bible and in your quiet prayer times, then I will begin leading you down the paths of righteousness that I have ordained you to go down and you will know that it is the Lord, your God, leading you and not your own ideas.  Your own ideas have nothing to back you up with.  There is no power released by you thinking thoughts that have no power to produce results, but if you align your wills to do My will, then I produce power by My Spirit to help you act on what I have spoken to your hearts to do for My glory. 

If you are not interested in glorifying My name in the earth, then there is no need for Me to back up the things that I speak to your hearts because your rebellion is your choice and I will not interfere with your decisions; but if you truly want to see My will come to pass in the earth through your obedience to My instructions, then I will release the power to get things done and there will be a continual flow of good things happening all around you, because your obedience brings blessings for all that adhere to My advice.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries

©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.