Saturday, March 31, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Desire Me And I Will Reveal Myself, Sup With You, Rest, Labors, Peace, Hearken Diligently, Real Life, Fellowshipping, Serious Trouble, Miracle, Down The Line

"Beyond the Sea" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you, every second of the day and you can communicate with Me on moment by moment bases.  Desire Me and I will reveal Myself to you.  I will come and sup with you just as the scriptures say. 

Do not worry and do not fret.  Come to Me and I will give you rest from your labors.  I will supply you with the peace you need to stand fast in the faith.  I will strengthen you with all might according to My glorious power.  I will illuminate the eyes and ears of your understanding and I will comfort, edify and exhort you, so that you will be encouraged and not downcast. 
Photo of Original Letter

'Hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God' has been My instruction for you ever since you started reading the Bible, My children.  Obey My voice and you will find life, real life, in Me.  I am the Christ.  I am the Lord your God.  Will you come to Me in prayer and receive all that I am, so that you can become the persons that I created you to be in Me . . . walking with Me and fellowshipping with Me almost every step of the way, instead of only when you are in serious trouble and you know that you need a miracle to get you out of the trouble that usually came because you had not adhered to My advice somewhere down the line?  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 30, 2012

JESUS LETTERS My Plans For Your Lives, Get Serious, My Will, Freedom To Roam, Without Fear, Fears Will Vanish, Goal Of Upward Call, Tasks, Strength For Your Journeys, Reasoning, Carnal Mind, Enmity Towards God, Hateful, Hostile, Spend Time Listening, Rise Early, Worship Me, Spirit Of Love and Truth, Boot Straps

"Foot of the Cross" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, My children.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears. 

I will show you My plans for your lives, My children, when you get serious about finding out what My will is for you.  My will will give you all that you need to be happy.  My will will cause you to ride on the high hills where you will have freedom to roam throughout the earth without fear. 

Your fears will vanish when you receive the supernatural information that I want to give you on daily accounts.  You will no longer be guessing at what the best things are for you to be doing with your lives, but you will know what I designed you to accomplish while on this earth and you will progress toward the goal of the upward call in Christ Jesus. 

Believe that I will lead you down paths of righteousness for My name's sake.  Believe that I will supply all that you need to accomplish the tasks that I direct you to work on.  I will not leave you to accomplish My tasks on your own.  I will anoint you with power and strength for your journeys but you must decide that My will is better than what you could ever dream up for yourselves on your own reasoning capabilities. 

"Foot of the Cross" detail
The carnal mind is enmity towards God.  It is hateful towards God.  It is hostile towards My plans and purposes.  Your carnal thoughts will only distract you from finding what My will and purposes for your lives really are.  Be brave and courageous and do not be afraid to spend time listening to and for My advice as you get quiet and seek My face.  Rise early in the morning and begin your days in My presence, My children.  Lay your thought-lives down to worship Me in Spirit and in Truth.  I am the Spirit of Love and Truth and you will be blessed if you believe Me and forsake all other plans that you have made to pull yourselves up by your own boot straps.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

JESUS LETTERS Hearken To My Voice, Your Crosses, Moment By Moment, I Do Not Change, Deal, Fathers Advice, Stop Rebelling, Prayer, Fulfillment, Great Love, Paul, My Grace Is Sufficient, Willing, My Help, Worry, Worrying, Fret, Depressed

"Jesus Sunset" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please. I love you, Gary.  Hearken to My voice, My children.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Believe that I am leading you down paths of righteousness for My name's sake as you take up your crosses and follow Me, moment by moment, day by day, week by week and year by year.  Hearken diligently to what I have said in the past and to what I say to you in the present. 

Photo of Original Letter
I do not change how I deal with My people.  I do not tell one person all they need to know and then not speak to another child as if they are not worthy of their father's advice.  If My children will stop rebelling at My instructions and start seeking My face in prayer, then they will all receive My words, which represent My great love for them, and they will forget about seeking love and fulfillment from all other sources that do not produce the kind of love that issues from My throne of grace. 

"Jesus Sunset" detail
I told Paul that My grace was sufficient for him.  My grace is sufficient for all of My children. If you will not lean upon your own understanding; if you will stop trying to reason your way through life, then you will begin to understand that I am ready and willing and able to help you much more than you are willing to receive My help.  My help comes mainly from you receiving My words to you on a daily basis so that you will stop being distracted by all the thoughts that come to you that distract you and make you worry your lives away.  If you are worrying, My people, then you are not trusting Me to help you.  If you do not trust Me, then you have not renewed your minds enough with My written word so that you have an understanding that I am more powerful than any enemies that come against you, so there is no need for you to worry or fret or be depressed. 

"Jesus Sunset" detail 2
I am on your side and I will deliver you from all of Satan's devices as long as you continue coming to Me and believing that I am greater in you than he that is in the world.  My answers to your problems never change, My children.  I am the solution to all your problems, but as long as you continue to think that you have a better chance of figuring out how to succeed in life without acknowledging Me in all of your ways, then I will let you do whatever you think is best and I will wait for you to get sick and tired of failing miserably. 

Don't wait to repent, My children.  Stop thinking that you have time to repent later.  Your resistance to My instruction is allowing Satan to build up strong holds in your minds and the longer you keep feeding on his deception and tricks, the more difficult it's going to be to become free from all the forces that are against you and have caused you to wander far away from My plans and purposes for you.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

JESUS LETTERS I Will Supply, Complete The Good Work, Do Not Draw Back, Forward Progression, Most Necessary Thing, Spinning Your Wheels, Aspirations, Sit At My Feet, Mary, Intricacies Of My Love, Pressured, Short Cuts, Fruit, Rewards, Heaven, Heinous Sins, Weaknesses, Holy, Perspectives, Friends, Co-workers, Power Demonstrated, Actions, Circles Of Life, Be Brave And Courageous, I Stand With You To Protect, Annihilate Any Obstacles, Prosper Financially, Same Wisdom Solomon Received, Recognized, Wisdom From Above, Human Wisdom, Rewarded, Eternal Rejoicing, Written On Tablets Of Your Heart

"I'm Calling You" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you, My children.  Believe that I am in you, every second of the day.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Believe that I will supply all that you need to complete the good work that I have begun in you, if you do not draw back, but continue in a forward progression into My plans for your lives by adhering to My counsel that you receive when you are seeking My face early in the morning and at all other times of the day. 

Do not forget that I am in you and for you, as well as with you, and you will not be led astray by the things of the world.  There are many things that you get busy doing, but one thing is necessary . . . staying in touch with Me is the most necessary thing that you will ever do, My children.  By staying in touch with Me, you will be given the supernatural information that will propel you into the plans that I have to bless you.  You will not be spinning your wheels any longer, once you have ceased working to get for yourselves all that you desire, but you lay down your aspirations of prospering in life and seek Me to give you the real life, eternal life, that I long to reveal to each and every one of My obedient children. 

Photo of Original Letter
Sit at My feet the way Mary sat at My feet and learn the intricacies of My love for all My children, so that you can focus on the truth that everything that I send you to do in the Earth for Me revolves around loving someone else more than you love yourselves.  If you understand that I have already blessed you beyond your wildest imaginations, then you will no longer be pressured by the time that you think is running out to accomplish My will in your lives.  If you will truly lean upon Me and not your own understanding, you will be able to see where you are going and the short cuts that I have provided for you will speed your lives up and get you to My destination for you, so that you will no longer be missing out on My blessings and the fruit that will be born that supplies the rewards that you will receive in heaven when you finally arrive in My kingdom prepared for you and all that have believed that I paid the price for all of their rebellion, for all of their heinous sins and for all of their weaknesses. 

Believe that I will cleanse you thoroughly of all sin, if you desire to be cleansed.  If you do not desire to be holy, then your minds will continue to think whatever you want to think about and you will continue to waste the time that you could have been meditating on My will for your lives.  My will will promote you to positions in the Earth and in the body of Christ that will give you perspectives that will dramatically change your ways of looking at everything that takes place in your lives and the lives of your loved ones, friends, co-workers and even casual acquaintances. 

If you will stop trying to get what you want out of life and just receive My will into your hearts, I will show you the power that I demonstrated through My actions while I was living on Earth in My own flesh.  Believe that My power can be demonstrated through your actions just as easily as it was through My actions.  Your heavenly Father is no respecter of persons.  Your heavenly Father wants to treat you the same as He treated Me.  He wants you to walk in the full manifestation of the power of God, but unless you know that this is His will for all of His children, then you will settle for less and you will always be wondering why there are no signs and wonders taking place that demonstrate My love for you and those you associate with in your circles of life. 

Believe that I will give you the power and the wisdom to release that power at My command.  I will be in control if you do not cower at My advice to be brave and courageous to go wherever I ask you to go.  I go with you, so there is no need to be afraid.  I stand with you to protect you and show you the enemies that are going to attack you and I have given you the authority to use My word against them.  My word will annihilate any obstacles that have been placed in your paths to prevent you from entering the places where you will prosper financially; then you will receive the same wisdom Solomon received.  He asked Me to give him wisdom to judge his people righteously that I had placed under his kingship. 
"I'm Calling You" by Greer detail

If you will seek Me for wisdom, instead of just seeking My hand for what pleases your imaginations, then you will succeed in life and be recognized throughout the world for a man or woman of God that loves Me with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and the people that have come to you will marvel at your wisdom because the wisdom that comes from above is so much higher than earthly human wisdom that it is recognizable to all that are like minded.  Be brave and courageous to do all that I ask you to do for Me, My children.  Life is short on this Earth, but you will be rewarded for all your good works and there will be rejoicing, eternal rejoicing, because of your obedience to every word that has proceeded out of My mouth, whether written in the scriptures or written on the tablets of your hearts.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Believe That I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life, Great And Mighty Things, Future, Omniscient, Feel Confident, In This Time On Earth

"Foot of the Cross" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Believe that I will show you great and mighty things you do not know, if you come to Me expecting Me to show you things that will happen in the future, knowing that I am omniscient and that I can speak anything that I want you to know to help you feel confident that I am Who I say I am and that I love you and want you to be a part of what I am doing in this time on earth.  It is enough.
Photo of Original Letter

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

JESUS LETTERS Focus, Voice, Spirit Man, Christ In You, Free Will, Your spirit, Minds, Intellects, Emotions, Wills, Studying Scriptures, Disciples, Old, New Covenants, Bible, No God Besides Me, Sufferings, Belief Brings, Persecuted, The World, Carnal Minds, Hostile Towards God, Revilings, Divine Nature, Your Flesh, Authority, Power Over Unclean Spirits, Sickness, Disease, This Mountain, Do Not Waiver, Promises, Doubts, Unbelief, Lies, Mother's Wombs, Taking Thought Captive, Pure Truth, Latch On Tightly, No Errors, Exaggerate, Stretch, Fib, Trick, Liberty, Good, Evil

"Heart Light" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you. Hearken to My still small voice please.  Do not be afraid to come to Me at any given moment and listen for Me to speak to your hearts, My children.  It does not matter where you are or what you are doing at the time, I speak to My children whenever they are able to focus on the voice of their Spirit man, the Spirit of Christ in you, which you all received the moment you, of your own free will, invited Me to come into your hearts and change you into the persons I wanted you to be. 

Photo of Original Letter
I will continue changing all that seek Me for correction.  The moment you receive Me, your spirit is made perfect, but there is still work to do in your minds, intellects, emotions and wills.  If you will not quit seeking Me through studying the scriptures, line upon line and precept upon precept, you will gradually become knowledgeable of all that I spoke to My disciples and how I worked through and in My people in the Old and New Covenants listed in the Bible.  My Bible contains records of the miracles that were performed for the people of God to prove to them that there is no God besides Me and no one else that loves and acts on behalf of those who endure the sufferings that belief in Me brings. 

You will be persecuted for My name's sake if you truly believe the things that I instruct you to do and say, because you are not of this world and the world will oppose you because their minds are carnal . . . hostile towards God.  If you do not pay attention to their revilings, but stay focused on My teachings, then you will be progressing towards gradually walking in the divine nature as I walked in the divine nature when I was in the world before, in My own flesh.  Now that I walk in your flesh with you, you can do the works that I did when I ministered to My people recorded in the Bible. 

Believe the scriptures that teach you that I gave you authority and power over unclean spirits and all sickness and disease, My children.  Believe that if you say unto this mountain, be thou removed and cast into the sea that it will happen if you do not waiver at the promises of God and oscillate back and forth between faith and doubts or unbelief.  Unbelief comes from lies that are stored in your minds and hearts that have not been exposed and cleansed from your intellects. 

"Heart Light" detail
Your intellects have been storing information since you were formed in your mothers' wombs, My children.  If you do not rule over your thoughts by taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, then you will act on those thoughts that do not agree with all the pure truth that has been taught you but you did not latch on to tightly enough, because you were not sure that I meant every word that ever proceeded out of My mouth.  There are no errors in My speech, My children.  I do not exaggerate or stretch the truth.  I do not fib or tell you anything to trick you into doing what I want you to do.  You are always at liberty to choose whose will you want to do . . . yours or Mine or somebody elses will.  Choose the good and regard every other thing as evil compared to the good.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Monday, March 26, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Do Not Be Afraid, I Am In You To Love You And To Give You Understanding Of Who You Are In Me, Living God, Living Savior, Will Deliver, Spiritual Kingdom, Learn, Holy Scriptures, Bible, Why I Came, Saved, Evil Spirits, Infiltrated, Minds, Spirits, Souls, Bodies, Real Enemies, Be Free, Power Over, Devil, Authority, Renewing Your Minds, Word Made Flesh, Principalities, Powers, Rulers Of Darkness, Surface, Glorified, Born Again, Holy Spirit, Not Return Void, Praying Hard, Dark Land, Warned, Feelings, Precepts, Joy, Joyful, Change

"Follow Me" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Do not be afraid to come to Me in prayer and ask Me to help you with the decisions that you need to be making on a daily and even moment by moment basis. 

I am in you to love you and to give you understanding of who you are in Me.  I am the living God, the living Savior.  I will deliver you from all the attacks of the enemies of your souls, when you trust Me to deliver you. 

Photo of Original Letter
My kingdom is a Spiritual kingdom.  You must learn to walk in the Spirit.  Walking by faith that I am Who I have said I am in the holy scriptures of the Bible is what I'm talking about, My children.  The scriptures explain to you why I came to earth to save you.  You needed to be saved from the evil spirits that infiltrated your minds and spirits and souls and bodies, My children. 

I am come now.  I have done what was necessary to save you from destruction.  Now you must believe that the scriptures will teach you who your real enemies are.  You will not be free from them until you believe that they exist. 

I delivered My people, time and time again, when I walked the earth in My own flesh, so that you could see that I have power over all the works of the devil.  If you want to operate in that same level of power and authority, then receive Me wholeheartedly into your minds by renewing your minds with the word of God.   I am the Word made flesh, so that you could be taught that you will be able to take authority over the principalities and powers and rulers of darkness, when you believe that I gave you the authority when I was resurrected from the grave and returned to the surface of the earth and spoke with My disciples the things that they were not yet able to receive before I was glorified. 
"Follow Me" detail

Once you have received My Spirit by accepting My words as the truth, then you are born again from above.  You are changed from within by My Holy Spirit, which indwells you when you have invited Me to come into your hearts.  If you will not forget the truths that are written in the scriptures for your comfort and edification and exhortation, then your individual lives will change, because My word will not return void, when it is spoken out of the mouth of anyone who believes that I will answer their prayers.

Praying hard is what I'm talking about, My children.  Are you praying My will be done in earth as it is in heaven?  Do you know what My will is for you to be doing in the earth on a personal basis?  Why do you resist coming to Me in prayer then, if you really believe that I want to reveal My will to you in order that you may do it? 

"Follow Me" detail
Do not shy away from Me, My children.  Do not step away from the One that longs to give you guidance, so that you are not walking this dark land without Spiritual light, so that you can see where you are going and be warned, ahead of time, of the impending dangers from the evil spirits that are setting traps for you on a daily basis.  Do not go on living your lives as though there are no spiritual forces that are surrounding you; therefore, you walk wherever you feel like walking and you talk about whatever you feel like saying at any given moment.  Your feelings will not lead you down paths of righteousness, My children.  Your feelings will carry you away from the paths that I have ordained you to walk on. 

Believe that you are in Me to the extent that you pray and walk according to My precepts, line upon line and precept upon precept.  My words will deliver you.  My precepts will keep you from stumbling.  My presence will fill you with joy, but if you spend little time in My presence, then you will not be joyful, but you will be discontent with what happens with your life, because you will know that something isn't right; something is missing; something needs to be corrected.  And I am the only One that knows what that change is.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and Savior"
Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2012 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Wait On Me In My Presence, Do Not Be Anxious, Answers To Your Problems, Intellectual Capabilites, Future Obstacles, Cotton Candy, Laughed At, Walking By Faith, Stagnate In Your Sins, Sinning, Making Mistakes, Rebelling, Obedience, Mary Magdeline, Faithful, Scriptures, This World, I Offered Everyone, Listen Diligently, My Yoke Is Easy, My Burden Is Light, Unloose

"Foot of the Cross" detail by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice please.  Hearken diligently to all that I speak to your hearts, My children.  Be patient to wait on Me in My presence and do not be anxious about all the things that are going on in your lives.  It is easy for Me to turn your circumstances around, once you are willing to spend your time seeking Me for the answers to your problems, instead of relying on your own intellectual capabilities which are so limited that you can not see the future obstacles that will need to be destroyed or circumvented. 

Believe that I know the future, My children.  Believe that I will reveal the things that you need to know about your futures and the futures of those that you have been ordained to help during your stays here on earth.  If you will not rely on your own understanding, but you acknowledge Me in all of your ways, then I will be able to communicate with you on a very regular basis, which will prevent you from wasting so much time doing things that eat up your lives like someone eating cotton candy; but the end to all their efforts is not sweet but very bitter, because they have not listened to all My admonishments to be brave and courageous, but let their fears overtake and rule over what I've spoken to them in times of prayer. 

Photo of Original Letters
Do not avoid coming to Me in prayer to receive your daily bread, My people.  Believe the scriptures.  Believe that I will lead anyone who believes My words to them down paths of righteousness for My name's sake.  If you want to do My will, then I will reveal it to you.  If you cower at My advice because you are afraid of being laughed at by those that surround you when they hear that you believe that you are receiving messages from Me, then you will not progress in walking by faith and not by sight, but you will stagnate in your sins. 

It is sinning to believe anything that contradicts the written word of God, My children.  Sinning is simply making mistakes that you knew better than to make.  When you rebel at what I have asked you to do for Me in your prayer times, then you are admitting to Me that you either do not trust Me or you are rebelling and thinking that your will is more important than My will. 

Is it not so that you often rebel at what you read in the scriptures, My children?  Is it not true that you sometimes resist doing what the scriptures have spoken to you to be doing so that I will be able to bless you the way I blessed others for their obedience to every word that proceeded out of My mouth to them?  When I spoke to Mary Magdeline, did she not repent, turn from her wicked ways and start following Me, in order to find out what My will was for her life?  And then she was faithful to complete it, because she did not give up on the promises that I had made while I walked the earth. 

If you will listen to all that I said in the scriptures while I walked the earth, My children, then you will not be afraid to do what I speak to your hearts to do today and you will not be so distracted with all the things that are going on around you, because you will realize that all that this world has to offer you does not compare with all that I offered everyone that truly follows after Me with all of their hearts, souls, minds and strengths; so listen diligently for Me to direct your steps. 

My yoke is easy and My burden is light.  Unloose the heavy burdens that you are carrying, all the worry and doubts and unbelief, by adhering to the fact that My eyes truly roam to and fro throughout the earth, searching to show Myself strong on behalf of those who love Me and prove they love Me by seeking My face in order that they may show themselves strong in the faith and not weak children who are so insecure to do what they have been directed to do that they will not open their mouths and speak what they have been given to speak or do the things that they have been told to do, even when it has been explained to them that they will be given great rewards for obeying their parent.  It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord and the overseer of your souls"

 Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
©1995-2013 ALPHA OMEGA INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. All rights reserved.
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