Wednesday, March 21, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Seek Me For Who I Am, Not Here To Harm You, Opportunity To Be Free, Created In My Image, Encircling The Mountain Of Complaints, Take Every Thought Captive, Treacherous Men, Agendas, Living Free, Given By Inspiration, Constantly In Touch With Us, My Disciples, Our Will Which Is One, Scriptures, We Came Inside You, The Lurch, One With Us, Deception And Lies, Satan, Demons, Carnal Thoughts, Father In Heaven

"Hero of heroes" by Greer
"Pen write"

"Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I go before you and that I bring up your rears.  Believe that I will help you do the things that I created you to do in this life you have on Earth, if you will seek Me for Who I am. 

I am not here to harm you.  I am here to love you.  I am not here to make you do things for Me.  I am here to give you the opportunity to be free to do the things you were created to do.   

Photo of Original Letter
Each and every one of you were created in My image to bring glory to My name, but unless you understand what I have just written to you, then you will not seek Me for the answers to your questions and you will continue going around encircling the mountain of complaints that you have.  You have not renewed your minds to the extent that I have exhorted you in the scriptures . . . to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  Why do you resist My admonishments, My children?  Why do you slough off the words in the Bible as if they were written by treacherous men with agendas to talk you into doing things that you don't want to do? 

I have not spoken anything in the scriptures to talk you out of living free.  All that is written is given by inspiration of God to inform you how to walk as I walked, constantly in touch with My Father.  And you can walk this Earth constantly in touch with Us.  We are in you just as My Father was in Me as I walked with My disciples.  Are you interested in doing My will though? . . . that is the question. 

"Hero of heroes" detail
We are only interested in doing Our will, which is One, and if you are not interested in learning what Our will is, then you certainly will not study the scriptures, because the scriptures explain what We want to do in the Earth through all that adhere to Our instructions.  Now, release your faith that We are in you and for you and with you, every second of the day, and We will reveal Ourselves to you, mainly by speaking directions to your hearts.  Believe that Our sheep hear Our voice; We know them and they follow Us.  Believe that We came inside you when you invited Us into your hearts and that We will never leave you nor forsake you. 

It does not matter how many other people have left you in the lurch; We will never abandon you, because We truly love and adore you.  We created you to be One with Us, and if you acknowledge Us, then We will acknowledge you and set you on the path that We want you to walk, so that you will meet the people that need to hear the messages We either have or will bury in your hearts, so that others can be delivered from all the deception and lies that Satan and his demons have convinced you are the truth, down through the years that you have been walking in the ignorance of your carnal thoughts.  It is enough. 

Jesus and your Father in heaven"

Be blessed . . . be love,

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