"Foot of the Cross" detail by Greer |
"Pen write"
"Listen please. I love you, My children. Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day. Believe that I want to love and protect you by directing your steps, so that you will be able to avoid all the traps that Satan and his demons set for you.
Photo of Original Letter |
If you will only learn to listen inside you for My advice, coming from your Spirit man, the Spirit of Christ in you, you will be on your way to living a Spirit led life as I lived when I walked the earth, 2000 years ago, in My Own flesh. God was in Me and I was in the Father. We are One and you can be One with Us, if you will only believe the Bible scriptures that explain why We are in you. Believe that you have been changed inside you by Our Spirit.
It is the Spirit that gives life. Eternal life is what you received when you asked Me to come into your hearts, My children. Live according to what the Bible teaches. Live to do the Father's will, so that We can continually bless you and pour out Our grace and favor on you and all that you do.
Do not be stubborn. Do not be prideful. Do not allow Satan to trick you into believing that you will be better off thinking and reasoning your way to success in this earth. Your own ideas will not lead you down the straight and narrow paths that We have ordained that you travel down.
"Foot of the Cross" detail |
We want to empower you for the works that We intend to do through you in the earth, so that Our people can see that We are still the same God that We were in the Old Testament and in the scriptures of the New Testament. Believe that the scriptures are the absolute truth, My children. You will not enter into the fullness of the grace that We want to bestow upon you by doubting the scriptures. Those that pick the scriptures apart have no power in their lives because they water down the truth with their reasonings and imaginations and it's power to affect change in people's lives is diluted to near worthlessness.
Do not forsake the truths written for your comfort and exhortation and edification. You will be built up into a place of worshipping your God if you stop doubting what you read, but start acting on what you read! The results that you receive from being doers of the word, instead of hearers only, will eliminate all your doubts and questions and you will be willing to submit whole heartedly to the advice that We speak to your hearts and We will empower you with strength and fortitude, so that you will not give up when Satan attacks you from several different angles and causes you to wonder if the struggles that you are going through are worth the effort.
"Foot of the Cross" framed |
You are in a war, My children. There will be many battles that you will fight in. You will not win every single battle, because there are hosts of demons arrayed against those that truly walk by faith and not by their fleshly desires. If you realize that Satan does not give up attacking those who believe Me with all of their hearts, then you will not be discouraged when the battles are long, but you will realize that the struggles are just par for the course.
Victory is yours, My children. I have won the victory for you by sacrificing My blood on the cross for you. The penalty for sin has been paid by Me. Now, go into all the earth and proclaim that those that invite Me into their hearts gain the victory; eternal life at the moment they believe that I am Who I say I am.
Your life times on this earth are very short compared to eternity. Endure while you are here. Do not give up. Stay the course. Keep walking by faith and not by sight and you will see results that will bless you exceedingly on this planet and your eternal rewards will be from everlasting to everlasting. It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord"
Be blessed . . . be love,
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