"Be Love, Bear Fruit" doodle by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice,
My children.
Believe that I want to show you what I created you to do for Me
in the Earth. I created you to love My people, My children. I created you to
go throughout the Earth, being My ambassadors of love.
"Jesus Praying" detail by Greer |
Do you want to love others as I have loved you, My children? Do
you want to see them prosper and be in health as I desire for you to prosper and
be in health? . . . then listen to My words and speak My words and act on My
words, My children.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, My children.
Faith has action. Faith believes and because you believe, there is
corresponding action.
Spread My love throughout the Earth |
Now, listen carefully, because I want to tell you something from
the bottom of My heart.: I love you. I created you to spread My love
throughout the Earth. I did not create you to traverse the Earth looking for
someone special to love you. I created you to love everyone I place on your
paths with whatever time you have with them. If they leave
before I have finished sharing the love that I have buried in your hearts for
them, then I will send other messengers to them to take up where you left off.
You should not feel anxious when people leave you abruptly. I
am in control, whether they are in your presence or not. Believe that I will reunite you with your children and your children’s
children when the time is right. Believe that I will make up for all the time
lost because of Satan’s schemes that have wreaked havoc in your lives.
"Foot Of The Cross" detail by Greer |
I am greater than your hearts, My children. Trust Me, no matter
how badly you hurt because loved ones have gone and you could not stop them from
leaving. Trust Me and I will show you that I am faithful. I truly go before
you and I bring up your rears. Fearing that they will not
return does not help anything, My children. Believing that they will return
with smiles on their faces will bring you peace, and you will understand what it
means when I say that there is no greater love than when a man lays down his
life for his friends.
"Hello My Friends" detail by Greer |
I am your friend, My children. I laid My life down for you.
Will you be My friends? Will you lay your lives down for Me by stopping your
worrying and taking up your crosses to follow Me wholeheartedly, instead of
pining away because of those that did not know what they were doing? Forgive
them, My children. Forgive, seventy times seven, and move into the calls on
your lives. It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord, your Savior, your Forgiver”
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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A man [that hath] friends must shew himself friendly. . . Pro 18:24 KJV
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