Wednesday, December 18, 2013

JESUS LETTERS Directions, Instructions, Seeking My Face, Forsaking Your Limited Wisdom, What I Planned For Your Lives, Unbelievers Walk By Their Own Intelligence, Right Standing With The Father, New Hearts, New Spirits

"Say A Prayer" detail by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will show you what to do and when to do it, if you will allow Me the time it takes to train you to listen to My directions and instructions as you pray, seeking My face for My wisdom and forsaking your limited wisdom. 

I am all knowing, My children.  I am omniscient.  Don’t think that you are going to come up with better plans for your individual lives than what I planned for your lives even before I formed you in your mothers' wombs. 

"Say A Prayer" by Greer
By seeking My wisdom, you will understand that everything in the Bible was written to you to encourage you to walk by faith, instead of the way unbelievers walk by their own intelligence.  They think carnal thoughts because they are carnal.  They are not one with My Spirit, because they have never believed that I am Who God sent to the Earth to pay for their sins and to bring them in right standing with the Father by inviting Me into their hearts, so that I could do what was spoken in the Old Testament books—that I would give them new hearts and new spirits.  It is enough.


Jesus, your Lord and Teacher”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

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