Tuesday, June 4, 2019

JESUS LETTERS Great And Mighty Things, Prosper And Be In Health, Faith Has Action, Miracles, Signs, Wonders, Visions, Dreams, Encompass Me With Your Love, Power, Holy Spirit Inspired, Time, Stop Being Selfish, Bond Servants

"Thirsty Vines" watercolor detail by Greer
“Pen write”

“Listen please.  I love you.  Hearken to My still small voice, My children.  Believe that I will show you the great and mighty things you do not know, if you will get quiet in My presence and wait on Me to speak to your hearts. 

"Thirsty Vines" detail by Greer
You do not have to experience visions or dreams or signs and wonders to know what My will is.  If you listen and obey what I give to you, inside you, where I dwell and speak to your hearts, and then, act on My words to you, because you believe that I am capable of leading you down paths of righteousness by My Spirit within you, then you will do well. 

You will prosper and be in health, according to how much faith you act on, My children.  Faith has action.  Act and you will see miracles, signs and wonders and I will give you visions and dreams, also. 

"Thirsty Vines"
watercolor by Greer
As you encompass Me with your love in My presence, you will learn that I love you more than you will ever imagine loving Me; but, it is necessary for you to give Me the time to love you.  Do not go on in your unbelief.  Do not resist My love and instructions that I want to pour into your hearts by the Holy Spirit. 

The Spirit of God longs to shower you with knowledge and understanding of how powerful I am and that I am willing to release My power in you and around you, so that the world will know that everything the Bible teaches is the absolute truth and there are no exaggerations written in it.  The Holy Spirit inspired men to write down My words to teach them and all who would read their writings, down through the centuries. 

You have learned, My children, from their obediences to write, when I told them to write.  Now it is your turn, My children.  Start writing down the things that I speak to your hearts for the comfort of others, as well as yourselves. 

"Thirsty Vines" signature
Be blessed.  Do not regress.  Do not turn inwards and block the flow of My Spirit moving in you and through you to accomplish My will throughout the Earth.  I am working in the Earth through those that serve Me.  I can’t work through someone who is so busy serving themselves and their family members that they have no time left to do anything for Me, other than thank Me for taking care of their family. 

Even heathens take care of their families, My children.  Stop being as selfish as they are.  It is enough.


Jesus, the Lord of all, but especially Master of those who are committed to being My bond servants”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries
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You can find me at twitter.com/aoimgary

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