"There He Goes" watercolor by Greer |
“Pen write”
again please. Do not worry. Do not fret; it only causes harm. Believe Me and trust all that I say to you,
My son.
"There He Goes" detail |
Do not allow
your minds to wander, My children. Do
not think your ways through your lives on Earth. Understand that I came inside you to guide
you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake. Do not go back to your old man’s way of
living by only thinking and imagining what life is going to turn out to be
You cannot
tell what the future holds. Hold fast to
Me by holding fast to the knowledge you have of Me, written in the Bible
scriptures, so you will be able to communicate to Me, the alive God that the
Bible teaches you about, and receive My love which I communicate back to you
because I am indeed alive and dwell inside you to help you understand about the
new creature you are, now that you are born again in Christ.
"There He Goes" signature |
I am Christ,
the Messiah, the Anointed One. I dwell
inside you to release My anointing through your faith in Me. Do you want power to be released through your
faith in Me, My children? Do you want to
go about the world releasing love, truth and miraculous energy to change
peoples’ lives from mourning to blessing, My children? Do you want to do greater works than I did
when I walked the Earth in My Own flesh, as I walk the Earth now in your
"There He Goes" detail |
Hear Me out, My children. I am not exaggerating in
this letter any more than I lied to you in any of the scriptures of the Bible
that were all written for your comfort and edification and exhortation. I do not lie.
I do not exaggerate. I speak
truth to comfort you and to deliver you from the doubts and unbelief that are
piled up in your brain cells by the enemies of your souls to block off the power
that would be released through your faith if you would not allow your enemies
to feed you lies and deceive you into living lives of complacency. It is enough.
Jesus, your Forever Friend . . . forever giving you true wisdom
to live abundant happy lives"
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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