"Follow Me" detail by Greer |
“Pen write”
“Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My still small voice,
My children. Believe that I will show you the way to green pastures. Believe
that I am leading you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.
"Follow Me" by Greer |
There is much work to do, and few that are willing to take up
their crosses to follow Me, My children. If you will do your part, I will use
your co-operation to amass an army of believers to go into all the world and
preach My gospel and teach My people everything that I taught in the scriptures
of the Bible, when I walked the Earth, and more. Yes, there is more, My
children. What is written is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, but
until you are willing to study what is already written, then you will have to do
without the additional truth and love that I want to share with those that
adhere to My Fathers teachings that He gave Me for you to be enlightened with.
Shine My light in the world, My children. It is a very dark
place. There are many crevices that still are without any light at all.
Water, Jesus, Cross |
Are you willing to go wherever I want to go, My children? Are
you willing to sacrifice everything that you have to follow Me wholeheartedly,
My children? Then come to Me in prayer and you will receive the grace to do
it. I will empower you. I will strengthen you with My might, My power, My
anointing to do what no man can do in his or her own strength. Believe that I
am the same today and forever, and you will have no problem going wherever I
send you, because you will be confident in Me, the Lord, your God, instead of
your limited abilities and strength. It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord and Strength”
Be blessed . . . be love,
АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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