Tuesday, February 21, 2012

JESUS LETTERS Warm Hearts, Confidence, Doubts.King of kings, Favor, Fellowship, Saved, Us, Love

Photo of Original Letter
"Pen write"

"Listen please. I love you. Hearken to My voice, My children. Believe that I want to speak things to you that will warm your hearts and give you confidence that I am alive and I am in you. 

Do not be afraid to listen for Me to speak to you.  Get quiet and come before My throne of grace to wait on Me to address your questions and your doubts and your unbelief. If you acknowledge that I am King of kings and Lord of lords, then is that not enough reason for you to be motivated to spend time seeking Me for favor? Why do you hesitate? Why do you wait? My throne is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

"Autuman Waters" by Greer
Why do you pretend that you know Me intimately, but you show Me, every day, that you barely know Me at all?  If you are not confiding in Me through prayer, then you really don't have the revelation of Who I am and who you are in Me. The only way you will receive the information that you need to be led by My Spirit is to seek My Spirit within you. The Bible teaches you that I am in you, if you have asked Me to forgive you of your sins and have asked Me to come into your hearts, believing that I am Lord of all creation; but if you pretend to believe in Me, because you have liked the fellowship of other believers when you go to church and various meetings, but you do not seek My face, but just the routine things that so called Christians do, then you have not understood what I came to earth to do for you. 

When I saved you, by My grace and sacrifice for you on the cross, I came to renew your fellowship with My Father in heaven. Your fellowship with Us is more important than your fellowship with others, My children. In fellowshipping with Us, the Trinity, you will in turn know how to fellowship with the body of Christ, your brothers and sisters that have also accepted Us into their hearts. Believe that you can fellowship with Us, My children. Believe that the words of scripture are in no way, shape or form exaggerations of the truth, but are Spirit and they are life to all that take them for the absolute truth spoken in love, by which you will be taught to love your neighbors as you love God. It is enough.

Jesus, your Lord"

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ Alpha Omega International Ministries
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