Saturday, August 24, 2013

JESUS LETTERS A Moment By Moment Basis, Sporadically, I Will Not Violate Your Free Will, In Your Live And Active To The Degree That You Want Me To Participate, Tiny Things, Demons Rob You Of Your Intimate Relationships With Me, Wandering Around In Circles, After Having Been Delivered From The Clutches Of Satan's Pharaoh

"I'm Calling You" by Greer
“Pen write”
"I'm Calling You" detail by Greer
“Listen please.  I love you,, My children.  Believe that I am in you and for you and with you, every second of the day.  Believe that I know what is best for you and I will reveal what is best for you, on a moment by moment basis, if you give Me the time to speak wisdom to you, on a moment by moment basis.  But if you choose to come to My throne of grace sporadically, then you will only hear Me speaking to you sporadically, because I will not violate your free will. 
"I'm Calling You" signature
I am in your lives and active to the degree that you want Me to participate with you.  If you think that you can handle things on your own, without My input, then I will allow you to handle things on your own, even though I would love to help you through every aspect of your lives, even the tiny things that you think are so insignificant that I would not want to be bothered with giving you advice about.  Do not let the devil and his demons rob you of your intimate relationships with Me, My children.  I long to lead and guide you down paths of righteousness for My name’s sake.  I am looking for willing participants.  Are you willing to turn your whole lives over to Me, so that I can direct your steps without interference from your reasonings and imaginations or are you going to continue wandering around in circles like the children of Israel did when they rebelled, after having been delivered from the clutches of Satan’s pharaoh?  It is enough.
Jesus, your Lord/Master, if you give Me permission to be your Master”

Be blessed . . . be love,

АΩ   Alpha Omega International Ministries

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